
UN-EU-AU cooperation in peace and security

Mabera, Faith

UN-EU-AU cooperation in peace and security

The need for more coherence and coordination
AddisAbaba, 2020

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A revitalised EU-Africa partnership in peace and security

Mabera, Faith

A revitalised EU-Africa partnership in peace and security

Implications for EU financing for African peace and security architecture
AddisAbaba, 2020

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The APSA we want

The APSA we want

Scenarios for the African peace and security architecture in 2040
AddisAbaba, 2020

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L'APSA que nous voulons

L'APSA que nous voulons

Scenarios pour l'architecture africaine de paix et de securité en 2040
AddisAbaba, 2020

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A political-economy analysis of AU Peace and Security Council decision-making processes

Dersso, Solomon Ayele

A political-economy analysis of AU Peace and Security Council decision-making processes

The cases of Boko Haram and Burundi
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Une analyse de l'économie politique des processus décisionnels du Conseil de Paix et de Sécurité de l'UA

Dersso, Solomon Ayele

Une analyse de l'économie politique des processus décisionnels du Conseil de Paix et de Sécurité de l'UA

Les cas de Boko Haram et du Burundi
Dakar-Fann, 2018

Download publication (650 KB, PDF-File)

Stormy times ahead?

Koch, Florian; Ogendi, Paul

Stormy times ahead?

The Africa-EU relations in the run-up to the 2017 summit Africa-EU Policy Dialogue Platform Series : 9-10 May 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
AddisAbaba, 2017

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Migration: in it for the long run?

Migration: in it for the long run?

Africa-EU Policy Dialogue Platform Series : 14 September 2016
AddisAbaba, 2017

Download publication (890 KB, PDF-File)

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