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59 results:
06.12.2019 | Event
A continental Workshop in Illicit Financial Flows from Africa
Conference on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) which took place at Africa Union headquarters on 24 May 2019 under the theme "How to prevent Illicit Financial Flows and recover stolen Assets to better…  
28.11.2019 | News
Validation Workshop of a Joint Study into Existing Collaboration
Validation Workshop of a Joint Study into Existing Collaboration between the AU/RECs and CSOs in the Area of Conflict Prevention, Early Warning and Early Response in Eastern Africa.  
11.11.2019 | Event
Model African Union 2019
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung -AU Cooperation office in collaboration with the African Union, UNICEF and Save the Children have co-organized the 2019 Model Africa Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from Nov…  
22.03.2019 | Event, News
African Journalist Programme at the 32nd AU Heads of State Summit Addis Ababa 12. – 13. February 2019
From 2007 onwards, the foundation offered a journalist program every year at the African Union parallel to the Assembly Summit to deepen Africa media knowledge on themes treated by the AU and create…  
22.03.2019 | Event, News
ECOWAS Regional Tax Policy Dialogue Tax Agreements, Tax Incentives and Sustainable Development in West Africa,DAKAR, SENEGAL November 28 – 30, 2018
The drive to attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and promote international trade has been top on the agenda for many developing countries. This has called for many countries to put in place…  
02.10.2018 | Event, News
Model African Union, African Union Commission HQ, Addis Ababa October 2018
The MAU is a simulation of the AU as participants assume the role of representatives of African gov-ernments. They represent various countries and participate in debates about current issues in the…  
10.09.2018 | Event, News
The Fight for African Women Tax Justice
The Fight for African Women Tax Justice,5th and 6th September 2018. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia For the Public Services International (PSI) and its partners, the fight against corporate theft and the call…  
05.06.2018 | Event, News
Regional policy tax dialogue on double taxation treaties and tax incentives in EAC countries.
The drive to attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and promote international trade has been top on the agenda for many developing countries. This has called for many countries to put in place…  
16.05.2018 | Event, News
Continental early warning system (CEWS) consultative meeting with CSOS - research centers in the EAC and IGAD region
The Continental Early Warning System (CEWS) was put in place by Article 12 of the Protocol relating to the establishment of the Peace and Security Council (PSC). Its operationalization is guided by…  
04.04.2018 | Event, News
Independent Expert Meeting on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration
The Africa Union Commission (AUC) in partnership with the Africa Development Bank (AFDB) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) are organising an Independent Experts’ Meeting on Mobilisation of…  
Search results 41 until 50 of 59